What is IV Drip Therapy?

We are sure you have been seeing a bunch of pictures online of your friends, celebrities, and influencers attached to IV lines and you must be wondering “Are they ok?” and or “What are they doing?”. If they are receiving IV drip therapy from a reputable clinic, then more-than-likely they are doing just fine. Better…

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What is a Hangover?

Most of us have experienced those miserable mornings after a night of drinking with friends or family. We tend to stay in our pajamas with the blinds drawn shut and wait for the torture to end. At some point in our lives, we may have questioned what is happening in our bodies when we are…

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Hydration for Athletes

Hydration is an important aspect of the overall performance of an athlete. Both amateur and professional athletes alike are encouraged to start a training session or a game well hydrated and to consume sufficient amounts of fluids to limit water and salt depletion. This statement may seem like common sense, but there is evidence and…

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Environmental Toxins and Detoxification

Over the last several years, there has been a growing body of evidence and literature suggesting a strong association between toxin exposure and chronic degenerative conditions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses the word toxicant to denote a toxin and has noted that each toxic substance has a defined concentration in the body at which…

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Boosting Our Immune Systems

The human body is a very complex and intricate interweaving of multiple systems doing many different functions. In general, our immune systems do a wonderful job of fighting off bacteria and viruses that we are consistently being exposed to. Most of the time our immune system wins these battles, but occasionally it loses and we…

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Add An IV Lounge Visit To Your Pre-Flight Checklist

We have all experienced the stresses that come with preparing for a flight. There is always a worry about the travel items that we may have forgotten to pack or whether or not we have updated passports and identification cards. Although these pre-flight stressors are worrisome, the goal of this blog is to focus on…

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